Martin Longmuir presents AquaClam at GUH Splashzone Workshop
Yesterday, our NDT TA / Inspection Specialist, Martin Longmuir, took part in the Global Underwater Hub‘s Splashzone workshop event, presenting AquaCLAM®to a select audience of operators and industry peers. He has kindly agreed to give us a quick rundown of the day:
“This Splashzone workshop event evolved from the Splashzone introduction event in spring this year. At the end of the event, back in March, the group proposed bringing together the specific technical authorities for each of the operators and technology providers to discuss challenges and opportunities in a neutral forum. I think that everyone was in agreement would be really beneficial for everyone, so it was really great to receive an invitation to take part.

Inspection Specialist, AquaTerra Group
The event was a great opportunity to share ideas and opportunities between technology companies and operators, with an interesting and open Q&A discussion, centred around the challenges of working, inspecting and maintaining structures in the Splashzone.
Key takeaways:
- What is the Splashzone? Everyone’s definition differed slightly, but generally settled on the area 5-10 metres either side of the sea level. Exposed to seawater, daylight, open air, tides, and wave action.
- Who ‘owns’ the Splashzone? Neither subsea nor topside, each operator manages the area through different team structures, but yesterday there was a common recognition that special skills and technologies were vital in inspection, cleaning and maintenance, to keep the area safe and functional.
- Innovation and Technology in the Splashzone: There is a healthy, growing community of skilled, innovative technology and service providers that specialise in the Splashzone.
Global Underwater Hub is doing a great job of connecting the community and bringing together professionals from across the space for the benefit of the whole industry.
Thanks again to the team at Global Underwater Hub, to the attendees, and to our fellow presenters from ViewPort3, OceanTech, and IMCA. Well done to everyone!”
AquaTerra Group: Splashzone Specialists
Driven by our commitment to innovation and providing the best solutions for our clients, AquaTerra have developed a complete range of specialist products and procedures to enable efficient, productive and safe underdeck and Splashzone inspection, repair and maintenance.
To read more about what AquaTerra Group is doing in the world of Splashzone technology, check out our pages here: https://aquaterra.co.uk/splashzone/